In the modern cattle business, genetics aren’t left to chance – there are people whose job it is to cultivate superior genetics for healthier cattle and superior beef.
That’s where the John & Star Absolom & their sons come in. They raise cattle and venison in a never-ending search for a better genetic makeup. Their animals are tested to discover their ratings for “markers” – different genetic characteristics known to be associated with traits desirable to ranchers like birth weight, gestation periods, and marbling. Then they breed them based on those markers.

A Business Focused on the Future
The business of livestock genetics is one that necessitates a long term view – the animals the Absoloms have now are top of their class, but they’re always looking to make them better in subsequent generations.
When they’re not working the farm or their genetics business (or cheering for their favorite cricket team) the Absoloms travel the world. From the US & Europe to South America, Australia and Malaysia, they’ve travelled all over in search of better methods and better genes.
This long view extends to their land – they see themselves as custodians of their pastures, seeking to improve them for future seasons and future generations.

When it comes to their family, imparting the lessons to help their offspring carry on the family business with respect & care for the animals is very important.
John says “Understanding the importance of feeding and caring for the animals is taught to all the young at a very early age – you always make sure your animals are taken care of first before you look after yourself.”

Infinity E3 is the Absoloms’ prime bull – a magnificent animal with top of the line genes. He’s been rated in the top 5% of all bulls in New Zealand.
His offspring are much more likely to be prime beef cattle and other ranchers will pay a handsome price to bring E3’s genetics into their herds.
Infinity E3 is in the top 69th percentile for rib fat, 68th percentile for rump fat – this means his meat (and the meat of his offspring) is much more likely to be deeply marbled.
He’s in the 83rd percentile for birth weight, and in the upper 70s for other weight measurements – this means his offspring are more likely to grow larger.
Finally, he’s genetically coded for a shorter gestation period. This doesn’t mean anything for Infinity himself, but his female offspring will be able to restart their reproductive cycle more quickly than others.
The Absoloms couldn’t be prouder of him. As John puts it, he “is given pride of place with his own paddock close to the Homestead when he is not living with his 70 girlfriends.”